Tuesday 30 April 2013

Sick kids and lessons through the trials

  Kids with stomach bugs are never fun and always messy. From extra laundry to emptying buckets it seems like every minute is filled with useless work that is unproductive. But amongst this chaos God shows you things that are often very timely.

  When our kids are sick, their little bodies are trying their best to expel a bug from their bodies; something that doesn't belong there. Sometimes it came through eating something they shouldn't have. Perhaps a food that was once good but was not consumed at the proper time. Maybe something that would be good in the future after the patience of waiting for it to cook properly. Other times they touched something they shouldn't have. Maybe someone else was sick and we didn't care to stay away until the bug had completely left. Whatever the reason, there is a bug where it shouldn't be and it needs to be gone. Boy do their bodies do a good job of getting rid of it and quickly.

  But wait, just when we think it's gone that bug will rear its ugly head again... and again... and again. If you aren't careful and head back to your regular food/drink/activity too soon then it will knock you back down.

  Such is life isn't it? We try to add things to our lives too soon or too late. We take up things of others that were not meant for us. These things live with us until a time when God tells us it needs to go. It's never fun, always messy, and often seems pointlessly long. We purge this thing until we are sure it is gone then out of nowhere we need to purge it again... and again... and again. The process will knock us out and make us leave our regular routine behind.

  Once it's gone through all is well though right? Wrong. Don't forget to take time to rest. Rest in God's presence. Rest in his word. Let him sing songs to you and nurture you back to health. Don't rush too fast back into the day to day or you may just find yourself back in that place of purging. God tells us to come to him and rest:

"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28)

  You may feel better, but you're not quite there yet. Our Father is that parent who truly does know what's best. He knows when something is too much to restart just as we know to feed our kids crackers and toast for days and days. Despite my little guy desiring yogurt and ice cream and chocolate, as his parent I know where that will put him when consumed too soon. You may want to continue with whatever your life looked like before the hardship but God knows where that will put you if you go back too soon.

  You may feel like the purging process was needlessly painful. Purging a friendship that was harmful, stopping those words you say, the activities you participate in, or any other thing God has decided needs to leave your life may seem unnecessarily messy. The fascinating thing though? My kiddo's bug will make his body stronger. It will provide some immunity. It will make him more able to defend against other sickies that try to invade him later. Your "needless" painful process does the same. It will provide you with faith in God's ability to get you through the hard times. It gives you wisdom to share with friends during their hard times. It gives you stories to share with your kids about God's goodness.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance" (James 1:2)

  So after your trial, rest in God. Don't return to the normal too soon. Let his guidance give you time to heal and in turn you be stronger for it.

~ Carly ~

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