Friday 9 September 2011

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty

About a week and a half ago one of our cats, Josie, went missing. We have 3 indoor cats (Melodi, Josie and Vee Vee - short for Valerie. Can you guess where their names came from?). The odd thing was that neither of us remember her going out. There was no mad dash for the door as she snuck between our legs. She was just simply gone. We searched our place high and low with no success. I even looked in the basement ceiling. Finally we concluded she must have somehow snuck outside.

Our search then began outside. We called, we shook food and kitty treats, we went on hunts in the forest behind our house. One night Mike saw her at a nearby apartment building. Scared and alone though she ran back into the forest. Over the next few days there were sightings by us and others we asked. She would not come to anyone and our attempts to chase her through an overgrown forest were less than successful. (We did however manage to feed a mosquito colony and obtain a few scratches along the way).

Finally we admitted defeat. We were unable to continue this way. We put up signs, prayed God would keep her safe and left it in his hands. My facebook read "giving up the daily kitty search :( signs are up, prayers are said. If God wants her home he will find a way where I can't." This was hard to do. Josie was a 1 year dating anniversary present from Mike. We had never gone through the loss of a pet, let alone one full of uncertainty. Would she come home? Was she with someone else? Was she safe? Alive? Sick? Scared of the 3 different thunderstorms that crossed our path in the 10 + days she was gone? Whatever the case we couldn't find a way so we sat and waited for God to give us the answer.

Thursday a meowing at our back door. After about 5 minutes of coaxing she was home. What happened while she was gone we will never know. We do know that our little kitty and our feelings for her were important enough for God to bring her back to us.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! This will be a great testimony for the kids at Church on Sunday!!!
